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Virtual Interviewing 

"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes, U.S. Supreme Court Justice 

Virtual Interviewing

Many people have been thrown back into the interviewing world. There is an added pressure with the interview landscape being different due to COVID-19. Many interviews are taking place completely online and this can be daunting for people unfamiliar with such tools. In this section, we will cover how to put your best virtual foot forward when interviewing over a video conferencing platform such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, and WebEx.​


Check out: New to Interviewing and Common Interview Questions for more interviewing resources.


Competition is high for every role, meaning every shot taken needs to be made seriously. The last thing anyone wants is to be ruled out of the running because of how the interview started. Preparation is crucial for success!



Video Interview Preparation


​How to prepare before the interview: 


  • Don't wear casual, or "quarantine" clothes 

    • Dress like you want to be the boss. Your recruiter should communicate what the appropriate attire. Don’t be afraid to ask.

    • Wear pants. You have numerous distractions now that many people are adhering to “Sheltering in Place”. Expect the unexpected. A child or pet may cause you to step away for a quick minute. Standing up in sweatpants is an easy way to eliminate you from the race.

  • Set up a quiet interview location

    • Do your best to be somewhere quiet and avoid being outside.

    • If you know you will likely be interrupted by an uncontrollable factor, warn your interviewer at the beginning. Every prospective company should understand the times we are in and give you some leeway. Expectations make such an occurrence less awkward and it will be easier to jump back into the flow of the conversation. 

  • Device set up

    • Set up a place with your computer, phone, or whatever device you are using at eye level.

    • Turn off phone and computer notifications, completely!

      • Be 100% present. To turn off notifications from your email and news notices, Google “how to turn off notifications for my…” Beeping is a pet peeve for anyone over video conferencing.

  • Test and Practice, Practice, Practice!

    • Test your computer by downloading the video conferencing app ahead of time.

      • Don't waste 10 minutes of your actual interview just to get the screen up. That is 10 minutes you lose to make your case and set yourself apart from the competition.

    • Rehearse your answers before the interview while looking at your computer or device screen. You will be more confident, comfortable, and focused during the real interview.

During the Interview

Now that you are ready and rehearsed, follow these best practices.


  • Log in 5 minutes prior to the meeting 

    • Be waiting. This will also allow you to get the screen set up and adjust your video feed.

  • One screen, one focus

    • It is strongly suggested you use only one monitor.

    • Do your best to look at the top of the monitor or camera on the device.

  • Use headphones with a microphone.

    • This will reduce any background noise you may have to contest with.

  • Be mindful of first impressions

    • Smile or appear in a good mood the moment the screen comes on.

    • A person entering with a frown can create the wrong first impression.

  • Take  notes

    • Writing notes shows you are engaged and interested. Yes, you can look away from the screen as you write things down.

    • Even better, have notes and questions already written. You will look prepared and have points to reference if you blank on a thought.

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